Predicted final results in the Tiberias PWA World Cup

Nautical Channel
28 Jun 2021

Offringa and Goyard match perfect record and Marion Mortefon claims her first Foil Event Title during the competition in Tiberias, Israel. 

Competition proved to be a bit anticlimactic as both in the Women’s and Men’s categories the top 3 finished the day as they started. 

Women’s Foil

Victory went to Marion Mortefon as her and Helle Oppedal were the only two women left in the competition on the final day. However, as Oppedal failed to qualify for the Winners’ Final, Morton would be crowned champion no matter what happened in Elimination 4. 

Morton has been very consistent all week, she has always finished in the top three until the last day that she finished 4th. Oppedal also did fantastic throughout the entire competition as she won the last two races and was in the qualifying positions for much of the semifinals. 

Blanca Alabau missed out a place in the last Winners’ Final but held a place in the final podium. Offringa rose from the 9th position to the 4th on the final day, denying Alice Read her maiden victory. 

Women’s Slalom

As in the Foil, the Women’s Slalom was somewhat anticlimactic with the second and third positions. Marion Mortefon and Delphine Cousine Questel both did great in Elimination 7 but Sarah-Quita Offringa won in the category. 

Offringa didn’t give up until the end despite victory was already assured. The 29-year-old won the 7th elimination boasting a perfect counting score of 3.5 points, matching Nicolas Goyard’s record. 

Men’s Slalom

The event victory was secured for Nicolas Goyard, so he enjoyed a stress free victory lap the final day. The 25-year-old has gone home with the event victory and with the world title lead. 

However, the other athletes competed for the 2nd-6th position. At the end, Pierre Mortefon and William Huppert managed to lock in second and third places. Morton had been very consistent in the first three days, and having won Elimination 6 on the fin, he performed magnificently during Elimination 7 to finish 6.6 points ahead of Huppert. 

Huppert struggled during the Winners’ Final of Elimination 7 but thankfully Maciek Rutkowski was not able to win the elimination. This means the 26-year-old gained his first podium on the world tour. The fourth spot went to Maciek, however he might be disappointed as he only missed out on the podium by 2 points. 

Final results in PWA World Cup

The final standings for this first event of the PWA World Cup Tour are as follows: 

Result 2021 Tiberias PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom

  1. Sarah-Quita Offringa
  2. Marion Mortefon
  3. Delphine Cousin Questel 
  4. Sarah Jackson
  5. Sara Wennekes

Result 2021 Tiberias PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil

  1. Marion Mortefon
  2. Helle Oppedal
  3. Blanca Alabau
  4. Sarah-Quita Offringa 
  5. Sara Wennekes

Result 2021 Tiberias PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom

  1. Nicolas Goyard
  2. Pierre Mortefon 
  3. William Huppert
  4. Maciek Rutkowski 
  5. Antoine Albeau
  6. Enrico Marotti
  7. Matteo Iachino 
  8. Basile Jacquin
  9. Alexandre Cousin
  10. Jordy Vonk 

On Nautical Channel we will be broadcasting the best moments of the competition in Tiberias, Israel. If you want to know when you can enjoy the PWA competition on your TV, follow this link

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